Available Technologies

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Featured Technologies

Micro-electromechanical Sensing Systems & Processors

ID U-5916

Category Hardware, Circuits, & Sensors

Subcategory Biosensors

Brief Summary

Micro-electromechanical sensors for the detection of low magnetic fields and radiofrequencies using less than 10 nW of power.

Problem Statement

Sensors based on micro-mechanical devices typically have small stand-by power consumption, which makes them ideal for use in the Internet of Things, where a multitude of sensors are required to monitor the status of every system. These sensors continue to decrease in size, use less energy, and cost less.

Technology Description

The Micro-electromechanical Sensing Systems & Processors sense low magnetic and electric fields, as well as small vibrations. The devices can also perform amplification, logical operations, spectral analysis, rectification, and detection of radiofrequency signals using less than 10 nW of power. Due to their low power usage and high sensitivity, these sensors are well-suited for remote sensing and implantable medical device applications.

Stage of Development



  • Decreases power usage.
  • Improves sensitivity for magnetic fields and radiofrequency signals.
  • Increases resolution.
  • Demonstrates potential for use in pacemakers, brain mapping, security, and detection systems.

Contact Info

Jonathan Tyler


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