Novel Synthetic Pathway For High Purity Very Long Chain‐poly Unsaturated Fatty Acids (vlc‐pufas)

ID U-7527

Category Therapeutics

Subcategory Nutraceuticals

Jon Rainier Alexander WadePaul Bernstein Aruna GorusupudiRameshu Rallabandi
Brief Summary

Scalable production of VLC-PUFAs with high purity for research and dietary supplementation.

Problem Statement

VLC-PUFAs are relatively rare non-dietary fatty acids with 24 or more carbons that are naturally found in the retina and testes. These fatty acids are essential to cell function and while diet can provide precursors of these fatty acids, they are inefficient sources of VLC-PUFAs. Until recently, the lack of effective methods to produce high purity VLC-PUFAs has precluded their use as dietary supplements.

Technology Description

Researchers at the University of Utah have developed a novel synthetic approach to produce a wide range of synthetic VLC-PUFAs in relatively large quantities for research and high-quality dietary supplements. The researchers have also developed a unique ability to analyze these compounds and test their bioavailability and efficacy in small animal models.

This technology is related to U-6439 and offers a more efficient production pathway for VLC-PUFAs.


  • Scalable production of bioavailable VLC-PUFAs from inexpensive precursor materials (e.g. DHA) with over 95% purity.
  • Production without heavy metals for safety and non-toxicity.
  • Mouse studies indicate high oral bioavailability for retinal tissue.
  • Supplementation may reduce retinal degeneration in patients with age-related macular degeneration and Stargardt-3 disease.


Wade A, Rallabandi R, Lucas S, et al (2021). The synthesis of the very long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (VLC-PUFA) 32:6 n-3. Org Biomol Chem. 19(25):5563-5566. doi: 10.1039/d1ob00491c. PMID: 34080605.

Contact Info

Jason Young
(801) 587-0519


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